So this New Year firstly had 2 midnights as Bangladesh turned their clocks back at midnight! Then it was a blue moon, and then the partial eclipse.....
Figures in a landscape. This project was interesting, I had to get away from taking portraits to using figures to illustrate scale in landscape photos. Some as you will see are of paragliders in different areas, some in front of the Annapurna Range and some from above giving a different perspective. Some photos may have the figure a bit too prominently but I still feel like they are landscape photos.
Framing the view differently. I had loads of fun with this. I chose to frame the Annapurna Ranges in different ways, although throughout our holiday they remained fairly elusive - at times we were not 100% they were really there! But when we could see them, they were amazing! Reading the task again I am not sure if this is what they actually wanted but this is my interpretation anyway! One was framed with a person. Some are subtle but all contain one part of the mountain range!
This project called for 'Interacting Subjects.' I have been out and shot this in London and Nepal but am not happy and so am looking to repeat it in Dhaka maybe.
Now comes the fun one! I love stitching but don't use it as often as I should! I realised that I haven't used it for 2.5 years since I did one in Granada, Spain at the Alhambra. So, here are 2 I did at West Bay, and there will be more to follow! I also need to think about using a tripod too. I need to try this from my roof in Dhaka!
This project was about panoramas. I used to have a camera that did this, but now rely on photoshop to create them! I did these by cropping rather than stitching, as that was something we did in the next project. I used the same pier in 2 of the photos to also think about perspective and view. One was taken from the cliff and one from the beach.
The next project required me to look at the same scene and try both landscape and portrait views, in order to challenge the way we usually take a landscape scene. I enjoyed this as it is something I like to do anyway and I found it challenged me to look at composition more closely. Luckily the advantage of digital is that we can now take both and decide later which is better! For some of these photos, ladscape worked better, but some surprisingly look better in portrait.....
100 Ways to Take Better Landscape Photographs - Guy Edwardes Along Some Rivers - Robert Adams Beauty in Photography - Robert Adams Criticising Photographs: An Introduction to Understanding Images - Terry Barrett Hanoi: Biography of a City - William S. Logan How to Photograph Absolutely Everything - Tom Ang Landscape Theory - James Elkins Light Over Ancient Angkor - Kenno Izu New York Vertical - Horst Hamann One Planet - Lonely Planet On Photography - Susan Sontag Our World: Women in Bangladesh - Mahmud Photography: A concise history - Ian Jeffrey Postcards of Bangladesh - Sudeep Sen, Tanvir, Kelley Lynch Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture - Marita Starken/Lisa Cartwright Requiem - ed by Horst Faas and Tim Page River Life - Mahmud Summer Nights, Walking - Robert Adams The Blue Planet - BBC The Digital Photography Book V1 - Scott Kelby The Endurance: Shackleton's Legendary Antarctic Expedition - Caroline Alexander The Ongoing Moment - Geoff Dyer The Photograph as Contemporary Art - Charlotte Cotton Travel Photography - Richard I'Anson Ways of Seeing - John Berger